Fans of my
Ghostwriter Mystery series will be happy to hear I have finished the latest
Roxy Parker adventure, and my children are still in one piece—see blog below. Of course the fact that they've spent the past few months being ignored by their mother, staring at far too many screens, and generally learning that writers are a grumpy bunch on deadline, is neither here nor there.
We're alive and we're happy. Well, actually, not everyone is. There are at least three very unhappy people in my latest novel. One of them has just fallen off a cliff on the Italian Riviera, so that's not so much fun. Another has been bludgeoned in his Berlin apartment, and it's ruined a perfectly good guitar (not to mention his head). And the third? Well, you'll have to read the book to find out what happens to the third. It's Roxy's boyfriend Max and he's gone missing while working in Europe.
Why has Max vanished?
Is he still alive?
Can Roxy Parker find him, even with his annoying, self-absorbed sister by her side?
Before you can find the answers to those questions, I need YOUR help. The manuscrpt is currently with my US editor and will be online in a few weeks, but I'm looking for a creative title.
What would you name it?
If you can think of a good title you get to name the book and be credited in the Acknowledgements section. How good is that? All you have to do is think of a snappy title that encapsulates what the Ghostwriter Mysteries are all about: writing, murder, adventure, fun. But this time we need to add a spice of travel.
I've been playing with the titles:
Lost in Translation or
Globe Plotting. My cover designer tells me the former is a film, the latter an embarrassment. Can you do better than that?
I'd love to hear from you. Don't forget it HAS to include some kind of reference to writing, words, books etc, just like the previous four titles (but also mystery and travel, tricky huh?):
You have one week to complete your task. Good luck!
xo Christina
UPDATE: A big THANK YOU to all my readers who got in touch with cover titles (all via email, although a comment here would have been just as good). There were some fun, inspiring and just plain loony suggestions, but sadly, none were quite right. Special mention to Hannah P's contribution: Dead on Arrival. (Very clever, Hannah, and I might store that away for another time.) So what did I end up calling it? You'll have to wait and see when the book gets published, very soon!